Ce blog est un produit de la collaboration Ellichris. Merci à Camille pour la mise en forme

mercredi 16 décembre 2009

from the outside world

Reason has left the table of negotiation. Participation has never seemed so precious and the impossibility of closeness so bitter. The will to be a part of it, when "it" is getting smaller and smaller everyday. From here, nothing's happening, in there too much is happening. But this is much noise for nothing. A beautiful window of animated figures of no concrete matter.
It all boils down to power, cooperation is a dying illusion, a firework dimming far above my head, as the new source of light seems tainted and corrupted.
One word left : masquerade!
And what I weep and grieve may not be the mystified earth, the cruelly changing climate, but the human disability to be Fair, Ambitious, and Binding...together.

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